Check Out How We Select Our Speakers

The most common question we receive is: "How do you choose your speakers?"The short answer is: we don’t choose speakers, we choose ideas.

The most common question we receive is: "How do you choose your speakers?"

The short answer is: we don’t choose speakers, we choose ideas.  

Ideas are incredible things.

Beginning from the mind of one person, they spread, enabling change both large and small. Encountering new ideas is critical to our individual and collective growth. Yet we don’t often have a mechanism to encounter new ideas in our daily lives. And, many critically important ideas don’t have access to the platforms they need to spread.

That’s where TED, and TEDxToronto comes in.

Each year our Curation & Coaching Team has the honour of scouting the GTHA for the ideas and changemakers shifting the course of our collective future. We also read over a thousand community nominations from individuals just like you who nominate themselves or a changemaker in their lives.

The ideas we select have these elements in common:

  • They have the potential to inspire meaningful, and urgent change
  • They shed light on the deeper, emerging forces shaping the world we live in
  • They are rooted in our own local communities, but have relevance globally

Our TEDxToronto speakers are amazing individuals. They come from all walks of life and reflect the diversity of our region. They’re taking action to create change in their communities and industries. And, they don’t always have significant public speaking experience.

We work 1:1 with our speakers over four months to help build their talks. The journey involves reflecting on the moments that shaped the ideas, values, and person they are today. These ‘inflection points’ form the backbone of the stories that eventually becomes their TEDx talk.

We hope you join us to hear these speakers share their stories. Get your Season Pass below and we'll see you there!

Marinela Roque & Kapil Khimdas
Co-Leads, Curation & Coaching

Get your tickets to UNCHARTED here

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